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Dr. Platon for Acne Treatment & Skin Brightening

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Dr. Platon for Acne Treatment & Skin Brightening
Product Details
Why Consider Dr. Platon?
Dr. Platon is an innovative device that creates plasma (similar to lightning) between the skin’s surface and an advanced ceramic handpiece. This plasma works wonders by eliminating P-ACNE bacteria and instantly brightening the skin. You’ll also see a significant reduction in pores, making your skin instantly glow.
What’s New?
With Dr. Platon, you can now offer Skin Clarity treatments to tackle acne and pore issues. It’s a unique, effective, and painless solution with no downtime, delivering instant visible results.
What’s the Plan?
You can seamlessly integrate this device with salicylic peels or use it as a standalone treatment. Focus on acne treatment combined with skin brightening – it’s a vast market. The best part? You can recoup your investment in just one month.
For training and more information, please call us at: +971568771044.


Many doctors opt for cheaper machines from newer companies to cut costs. However, they often discover that these companies fail to fulfill their service commitments. As a result, the machines become useless if not properly serviced. Spectronix, on the other hand, has remained stable and supported clients for 20 years.
Our countless testimonials demonstrate our unwavering dedication to our clients.