For many years women are struggling by doing shaving, waxing, threading for hair removal. But all these methods are very painful and also the hair will grow back within a very short time. So after trying all the hair removal methods, women are fed up with those methods and nowadays they are opting for laser hair removal. But before opting it, there is a need to know how it works and is it really a worthy treatment for the hair removal or not?

Working of Laser treatment for hair removal

A laser is a ray which will be exposed on the skin for some milliseconds, then it will emit a beam of light which will converts into heat when it passes through the skin, the laser rays are completely harmless. The heat which was emitted by laser rays will be absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicle, which in turn inhibits the hair growth. The heat energy will heat the hair, and thereby it will damage the hair follicles. Then the follicle will be unable to grow as a new hair. This is the actual process and working of the laser treatment for the hair removal.

Is Laser Hair removal is worth

Nowadays Laser hair removal was one of the commonly using cosmetic procedures. When compare with shaving, waxing, epilating, threading laser hair removal was more painful option and cost of the treatment is also very high. But some of the people are opting and attractive to take this treatment because it will permanently stop the hair growth. And some of the people after the treatment are getting disappointed because of the negative results. Some of the women after experiencing with this procedure, they are saying longevity of hair restriction was observed but they are complaining about cost and discomfort during treatment. Generally, laser hair removal was a costly procedure.

But the real fact is after some sessions or sittings, the hair growth will be slow down not completely stops. Broadly we can say that it is a permanent hair reduction not a permanent or complete hair removal. After the treatment hair will grows much finer than before.

Laser Hair Removal

How much the hair is removed or got thinner will depend on, how many sessions you have been undergone? What is the power the laser which was used for your treatment? How dense is your hair is? What is the growth rate of your hair is? So results will be depending on all these factors.

But final word is, different people will have different treatment experiences and results. Some people will have thicker and dense hair, they require more sittings because more energy is required to get hair follicles damage and restrict the growth. Some people have low dense and thinner hair, those require less sitting.

Laser hair removal was one of the best methods which can be very effective, but not suitable for everyone. So there is a need to know whether this treatment method of hair reduction will suit or worth for you or not, otherwise, time and money will be wasted.